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时间:2024-04-30 15:23:24
1、余生好过难过,也只能自己过。 The rest of my life is better than sad, and I can only live by myself. 2、我只能给别人诉说,对你的思念。 I can only tell others how much I miss you. 3、我假裝不在乎你,但痛的是我自己。 I pretend I don't care about you, but the pain is my own. 4、你爱,或者不爱我,爱就在那里,不增不减。 You love me, or you don't love me, love is there, no increase or decrease. 5、单亲的孩子怎么了,我觉得我更加坚强懂事。 What's wrong with single parent children? I think I'm stronger and more sensible. 6、你不知道在思念你的日子里,我有多难熬。 You don't know how hard it is for me to miss you. 7、我不是孤独,只是害怕一个人。 I'm not alone, I'm just afraid of being alone. 8、背叛者是没有容身之处的。 There is no place for traitors. 9、用一整个宇宙,换一颗红豆。 A whole universe for a red bean. 10、青春总是多了伤感,凉了心脏,痛了过去。 Youth is always more sad, cold heart, pain in the past. 11、如果没有遇见、是不是一切都会改变。 If not, everything will change. 12、我爱你,却再也说不出口了。 I love you, but I can't say it anymore. 13、有时候,突然很难过,却不知道为什么。 Sometimes, suddenly very sad, but do not know why. 14、联系时,不懂珍惜,失去时,追悔莫及。 Contact, do not know how to cherish, lost, regret. 15、能在一起的人,来来回回总能在一起的。 People who can be together can always be together back and forth. 16、你给我的伤,我会给你留着。 You give me the injury, I will keep it for you. 17、虽然你不在我身边,但我们仍在故事里。 Although you are not with me, we are still in the story. 18、人啊,过着过着就过累了。 People are too tired to live. 19、只要你在我附近、我就不会给你受伤。 As long as you are near me, I won't hurt you. 20、很好的凄凉,很好的思念。 The only desolation, the only missing. 21、整个房间、都弥漫着香烟和寂寞的气息。 The whole room is filled with cigarette and loneliness. 22、我们有太多凑巧,却唯独缺一个正好。 We have too many chances, but only one is missing. 23、擦亮你的眼睛,再去迎接下一份爱情。 Shine your eyes, and then go to meet the next love. 24、陪伴我余生的,不是你。 It's not you who accompany me for the rest of my life. 25、放下曾经的幸福,才能遇见我的幸福。 Put down once happiness, can meet my happiness. 26、爱情和友谊一样,容不下第三者。 Love, like friendship, has no room for a third party. 27、幸福,始终充满着缺陷。 Happiness is always full of defects. 28、我说的爱情,你说的友情。伤心又伤肝。 I said love, you said friendship. Sad and hurt the liver. 29、人很清醒的时候,是在一无所有的时候。 The most sober time is when there is nothing. 30、我总是小心翼翼,换来的却是不可思议。 I'm always careful, but I get incredible results. 31、赐我一段时光,让思念发烫,让寂寞疯长。 Give me a period of time, let Miss hot, let loneliness grow. 32、带着曾经那美好的记忆,过自己幸福的生活。 With the good memory, live a happy life. 33、我又不脆弱、何况那算什么伤。 I am not fragile, not to mention what kind of injury. 34、分手时很洒脱,从不拖泥带水。 Break up the most free and easy, never tardy. 35、喜欢不能假装,悲伤不能伪装。 Like can't pretend, sad can't disguise. 36、我只想安静就好,独自一人默默祈祷。 I just want to be quiet and pray alone. 37、愿你余生常笑,别再皱眉别想他。 May you smile for the rest of your life, stop frowning and think about him. 38、原谅我不能答应你。我哭得连屏幕都看不清。 Forgive me for not being able to promise you. I cried so much that I couldn't see the screen clearly. 39、很悲哀的就是,宁愿承受后果,也不愿求你。 The saddest thing is that I would rather bear the consequences than ask you. 40、别回忆,因为回不去。 Don't recall, because you can't go back. 41、你不知道,你的忽冷忽热我有多心痛。 You don't know how heartache I feel when you are hot and cold. 42、我们彼此背对背,总会有一个人先说再见。 We are back to back with each other, there will always be one person to say goodbye first. 43、走路太骚,小心闪腰。 Walk too coquettishly, be careful to dodge. 44、我怕你会难过,更怕我们错过。 I'm afraid you'll be sad and we'll miss it. 45、说好了要健忘,可眼泪划过却是无声无息。 Said to forget, but tears across is silent. 46、似乎你我之间的空气都布满荆棘。 It seems that the air between you and me is full of thorns. 47、风吹起如花的流年,而你成为很美的点缀。 The wind blows the flowery fleeting time, and you become the most beautiful ornament. 48、相信自己,从头来过,什么都不会晚。 Believe in yourself. It's never too late to start all over again. 49、没有看见我,你心里是否有那么一点失落。 If you don't see me, is there a little loss in your heart. 50、祝你幸福,不要再见。 I wish you happiness and don't see you again. 51、曾以为你是全世界,但那天已经好遥远。 I thought you were the world, but that day is far away. 52、你走的一瞬间,失眠了我整整一个曾经。 You go the moment, insomnia, I had a whole once. 53、雪碧喝多了,我怕突然透心凉。 When I drink too much Sprite, I'm afraid I'll suddenly feel cold. 54、先生,先生,我们的未来会很美。 Sir, sir, our future will be beautiful. 55、连自己女人都不能保护,还怎么给予幸福。 Even their own women can not protect, how to give happiness. 56、只有好聚,哪有好散。 Only good gathering, no good scattering. 57、再美的事物,终究也有凋谢的一天。 No matter how beautiful things are, they will wither one day. 58、活着不是为了怀念昨天,而是要等待希望。 Living is not to miss yesterday, but to wait for hope. 59、右手空白、你何时才会带着我离开。 Right hand blank, when you will take me away. 60、我从来没有爱过这个世界,它对我也一样。 I've never loved the world, and it's the same for me. 61、我输不起,所以才装成永远不怕输的样子。 I can't afford to lose, so I pretend I'm never afraid to lose. 62、谢谢你的突然出现,也谢谢你的适时离开。 Thank you for your sudden appearance and your timely departure. 63、有些故事过程太完美,结局太悲惨。 Some stories are too perfect in process and too tragic in ending. 64、我爱你,你爱他,他爱她,这就是爱情。 I love you, you love him, he loves her, that's love. 65、很终还是不舍得,只是移到了陌生人。 In the end, he just moved to a stranger. 66、我得到的都是侥幸,我失去的却是整个人生。 What I get is fluke, what I lose is the whole life. 67、那首情歌有关风月、却无关你我。 That love song is about wind and moon, but it has nothing to do with you and me. 68、天会荒,地会老,余生善待自己。 Heaven will be desolate and earth will be old. Treat yourself well for the rest of your life. 69、只要是喜剧收尾,过程你让我怎么哭都行。 As long as it's the end of the comedy, you can make me cry. 70、我们爱别人太早,爱自己太迟。 We love others too early and ourselves too late. 71、虾的大红之日,便是它的大悲之时。 The red day of shrimp is its sad time. 72、我们都很倔,一个不会挽留一个不会回头。 We are very stubborn, one will not retain, one will not look back. 73、我认命所有的一切,改变不了的就是现实。 I believe that everything I have to do is to change the reality. 74、毁谁不是毁,灭谁不是灭。 Destroy who is not destroy, destroy who is not destroy. 75、你说你看透了网络,其实你只是看清了我。 You said you saw through the network, in fact, you just saw me. 76、天冷了多穿衣服,手冷的时候会给你暖手吗? When it's cold, put on more clothes. Will you warm your hands when your hands are cold? 77、格式化自己,但却删除不了你。 Format yourself, but I can't delete you. 78、我愿意等,即使不会有结果。 I'm willing to wait, even if it doesn't work out. 79、悲伤的思绪,使整个空间变得压抑,沉重。 Sad thoughts make the whole space oppressive and heavy. 80、生气的时候被逗笑,其实是件挺伤自尊的事。 When you are angry, being teased is actually something that hurts your self-esteem. 81、懂得自爱,才能活得精彩。 Only when you know how to love yourself can you live a wonderful life. 82、我们没有选择的权利。 We have no choice. 83、爱情像断了线的风筝,一下子迷失了方向。 Love is like a broken kite, suddenly lost. 84、在爱情这场游戏中,爱得少的人永远占上风。 In the game of love, those who love less always have the upper hand. 85、枯燥乏味,熬夜成瘾。 Boring and addicted to staying up late.





